Church Constitution
Section 1) Any person, 18 years of age and older, having been saved and baptized at our church, can be received into membership upon a majority vote of the church in a business meeting.
Section 2) Members from other churches of like faith and practice, 18 years of age and older, may be received into membership by letter of recommendation and dismissal from their previous church, upon a majority vote of the church in a business meeting. This is generally known as transfer by letter.
Section 3) Any person, 18 years of age and older, who will testify to their previous salvation and Scriptural baptism prior to their coming to us, may be received into membership upon a majority vote of the church in a business meeting. This is generally known as Christian experience.
Section 4) Only the pastor or a majority of the deacons may recommend someone to the church for membership.
Section 1) A member has the right to vote on any question before the church in any business meeting.
Section 2) A member, judged to be faithful in tithing by the pastor or a majority of the deacons, may, upon request, examine any and all financial statements and reports. This would include but not be limited to monthly financial statements, bank records, checkbooks, budget books, offering records, deposit records, receipts, investment records, etc.
Section 3) A member may bring up a question for consideration in a business meeting provided he has previously discussed it with the pastor and a majority of the deacons.
Section 1) Faithful attendance to the regular services of the church.
Section 2) Faithful financial support to the work of the church.
Section 3) To conduct one’s public and private life to the best of one’s ability, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the precepts of Scripture.
Section 4) To take an active interest in the program, ministries, and health of the church; to take an active interest in the lives of the other members of the church; to take an active interest in learning the teachings of the church as evidenced in Scripture; to do nothing that would harm the church by deed or speech, in fact or reputation; to maintain loyalty, where Scripturally appropriate, to the pastor, the deacons, and the other members of the church; to pray for the church.
Section 1) Membership in this church shall be terminated as follows:
A.By granting a letter of transfer to another church of like faith and practice, upon a majority vote of the church in a business meeting.
B.By erasure; members who are known to be deceased, or are known to have joined another church, or are known to have moved away from this geographical area, or have requested that their names be dropped from membership may be erased from the roll without a majority vote of the church in a business meeting.
C.By expulsion for disorderly walk; after following the church discipline procedure as set forth in the Scripture the church may, with a majority vote in a business meeting, expel a member from their midst.
D.By absence; if a member does not attend at least one public service of the church in a calendar year then their membership is revoked. This does not require a majority vote of the church in a business meeting and does not apply to those who may reasonably be considered shut-ins for health reasons. Those affected may become members again through the same process as anybody else.
The officers of this church shall be as follows: Pastor and Deacons. When legal reasons necessitate trustees, or any other positions, they shall be appointed with the joint approval of the Pastor and the majority of Deacons.
Section 1) The Pastor: In his Scriptural role as pastor he is responsible for the godly edification of the church through the preaching, and for the spiritual welfare of the church. In his Scriptural role as elder he is responsible for counseling where helpful and requested, and for giving his advice as situations merit. In his Scriptural role as bishop he is responsible for the administration of the finances as approved by the church, for the complete and accurate record of all official acts of the church, for the accurate registry of membership, for the establishment and direction of each ministry and meeting of the church, and for the general supervision of the church. The pastor shall be the moderator of all church business meetings (as defined in Article X), and he may call the deacons of the church together for special meetings to transact the business of the church. He shall receive such compensation as the church may decide, and, when called upon, he must affirm the Statement of Faith as herein set forth.
Section 2) The deacons shall be the pastor’s helpers. In the absence or removal of the pastor the deacons shall select one of their number to be the moderator of all church business meetings (as defined in Article X).
Section 3) Committees: The pastor and the deacons shall jointly be the only permanent committee. Any temporary committee will be appointed when necessary with the joint approval of the Pastor and the majority of Deacons. In the absence of a pastor the Deacons shall continue to conduct necessary business. In the absence of any qualified deacons the men in the church membership who regularly attend every public service shall assume the role of Deacons where necessary.
Section 1) The pastor shall be elected for an indefinite term which shall terminate upon 60 days written notice by either the pastor or the church. The pastorate shall terminate immediately upon the pastor’s refusal to affirm the Statement of Faith as herein set forth.
Section 2) Members of the board of deacons shall serve a regular term of three years. Their time in office will terminate September 30th. In the absence of a pastor the deacons term in office shall be extended until the arrival of a pastor.
The ministries of the church shall be those deemed desirable by the pastor. All such ministries, and all those working in such ministries of the church, shall be subordinate to the pastor and those appointed by him to lead these ministries.
Section 1) Meetings.
A.Sunday meetings: the church shall meet regularly every Lord’s Day for singing, preaching, fellowship, and prayer.
B.Midweek meetings: the church shall meet at least once during each week for midweek services.
C.Lord’s Supper service: the church shall observe the ordinance of our Lord’s Supper periodically, as deemed appropriate by the pastor.
D.Special Meetings: Special Meetings beyond the regular schedule may be scheduled at the direction of the pastor at any time for the edification of God’s people.
E.Business Meetings: a regular Business Meeting shall be held by the church no less than four times a year.
F.Special Business Meetings: special Business Meetings may be called by the Moderator (as defined in Article X), and must be called by him upon the receipt of a written request signed by no less than one third of the church membership. Notice of such special meetings shall be given from the pulpit the preceding Lord’s Day.
G.The church shall be given proper notice of at least two Sundays by the Deacons before the election or dismissal of a pastor.
Section 2) Quorum. To transact business at any special Business Meeting a quorum shall be 20 members or 20% of the last known membership. Regularly scheduled Business Meetings may proceed without a quorum, if necessary.
Section 3) Voting.
A.Only members of the church are eligible to vote on any church matter.
B.A voice, rising, or show of hands vote is binding, except where otherwise provided for, whenever it is apparent that 2/3 of the members present are voting; if more than 1/3 of the members present do not signify their vote, then a ballot vote shall be taken. A majority vote shall decide all matters except the election of a pastor (which shall be decided by a 3/4 ballot of the members present), and the vote to amend the Constitution (which shall be as outlined under Article XI.)
Section 4) Elections.
H.Any candidates for the Office of Deacon shall be presented to the church at the regular Business Meeting in September.
I.The Pastor shall be elected as provided for in Article VII, Section 1. Upon removal of a pastor, the Deacons shall without any unnecessary delay confer with possible candidates for the office, and from the candidates so conferred with, the deacons shall make their recommendation to the church. No election or dismissal of a pastor shall take place except at a meeting called for that purpose of which public notice has been given by the Deacons at least two previous Sundays. A 3/4 vote by ballot of the members present shall be necessary to elect a pastor and a majority vote of the members present for his removal, due notice having been given on two previous Sundays.
Section 1) The pastor of the church or, in his absence, one of the deacons (see Article VI, Section 2) shall act as moderator in all meetings for the transaction of business.
Section 2) It shall be the duty of the moderator to keep order, state and explain propositions. Members are free to bring up business as provided for in Article II, Section 3. The Order of Business shall be determined by the moderator, but each regularly scheduled Business Meeting must contain at least a financial report.
Section 1) This constitution may be amended, with the exception of the Statement of Faith, which shall be irrevocable, at any regular business meeting by a 2/3 vote, provided four weeks notice has been given the church.