Weekly Schedule
Sunday School
Sunday 10 AM
A firm commitment to the Scriptures as our textbook combined with a dedicated group of trained teachers provide the foundation for our Sunday school classes. Each worker is carefully screened and serves out of a Love for the Lord and a love for people. The classes are divided by age and provide a source for fellowship and learning.
Sunday Morning Preaching Service
Sunday 11 AM
The entire church gathers together for this service. We gather to sing, pray, give, fellowship and to hear a sermon from our pastor. In this service he usually varies the subject matter from week to week. The entire service lasts a little over an hour.
Sunday Night Preaching Service
Sunday 6 PM
Around here this is fondly known as "The Sweetest Service of the Week." All ages are included, and we sing more than in the morning service, including taking requests from the floor. Pastor Brennan's messages in this service are almost always part of a larger series, either a study of a particular subject or an exposition of an extended section of Scripture.
Wednesday Night, Adult Bible Study, Prayer, and Patch Club
Wednesday 7:30 PM
During the school year, elementary-age children attend a combination youth choir, activity, and teaching program called Patch Club. Year-round, the teenagers and adults spend time in prayer and then hear a 30-minute lesson from our pastor.
Saturday Soul-Winning
Saturday 10:00 AM | Witnessing
Around us in this great city are literally millions of people who are on their way to hell. Our church is not content to sit and wait for them to come to us. We believe in taking the Gospel to the streets and houses where they live. Operation Go commences each Saturday promptly at 10:00 AM, and consists of a group of trained soul winners who go door to door in the neighborhoods around our church. Others stand on corners and pass out tracts. Still, others witness throughout the week at work, while traveling, or to their family and friends. Aren't you glad somebody talked to you?
First Time?
Thinking about taking the plunge? Naturally, you will have some Questions, and we want to answer them. It is incredibly important to us that you feel warmly welcomed and well taken care of when you visit here. We have convenient parking, nurseries, and classes for your children, and somebody already here who is probably a lot like you. So whether you are simply visiting Chicago, or you are a lifelong resident, hop in your car or the CTA and come thou with us - and we will do thee good!

My friend, I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon it. The question is: are you saved? I mean...are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die? It is not; How good are you?....but, are you saved?
No one can enjoy the blessings of God, nor go to Heaven without being saved. Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:7, "ye must be born again." God gives us in His word the only plan for salvation. The plan is simple! You can be saved today.
First, my friend, you must realize you are a sinner. "There is none righteous, no, not one." "For there is no difference; For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:10,22,23...